Sometimes doing what‘s best for the patient will go against dogma and tradition. And sometimes leaning more on science than on dogma will ruffle feathers and contradict the gurus and scholars of Traditional Acupuncture. That‘s OK! There‘s room for many styles and there are enough patients for all of us! I graduated at the top of my class with a Master‘s and a Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. I know the benefits of Traditional Acupuncture for many many conditions. But if you want fast and excellent results treating chronic pain, sports injury, over-use injury, flexibility and mobility, that is what I‘m passionate about and I‘m not going to apologize for great results or for sharing what I‘ve learned from Western Medicine using Acupuncture. The topics here will not be controversial unless you insist on holding onto dogma instead of being open to something new to you and that is based in science. If you are interested in my online courses, you can find them at: https://richardhazel.podia.com
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Come to Amsterdam in September!
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
I'll be in Amsterdam teaching at the 1st European Orthopedic and Sports Acupuncture Conference.
NCCAOM CEUs available.
You should come!
I'll be covering Sciatica, Meralgia Paresthetica, Ilioinguinal Nerve Entrapment, Obturator Tunnel Syndrome, 2 Peudo-Sciaticas: Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment and Superior Gluteal Nerve Entrapment
And also Migraines and their nerve entrapments
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Pseudo-Sciatica from Superior Gluteal Nerve Entrapment
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Ever resolve sciatica (or what you thought was sciatica) by treating the gluteus medius or by releasing trigger points in the gluteus medius?
Now I know what was likely happening.
Join The Acupuncture Outsiders Mentorship Membership for Group Zoom Meetings each month to discuss tough cases and other things of interest.
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Double Crush Syndrome and a Thank You to All Who Have Sent Messages
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Double Crush Syndrome: It might be controversial but I believe.
And Thank You to all who have sent me messages of support!
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Upper and Lower Crossed Syndromes and Migraines
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Can we improve our results for migraines by addressing the Upper and Lower Crossed patterns for patients?
Let's walk through it.
Correction : I said the Millennial Tower is tilting 24 degrees. I meant inches. And when I looked it up it's actually tilting 29 inches. 😮
New Mentorship Program on Podia. Look for the Acupuncture Outsider Community.
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
Some Course Updates, Mentorship and 2 Tough Cases
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
Future Courses, Mentorship Subscription on Podia and 2 Cases that I'm struggling with but learning from.
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Palpation is Essential for Me When Doing an Assessment
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
I don't always trust muscle testing, especially if the symptoms don't match with a strong test where I think there's some over-use injury.
I want to put my fingers or thumb on a muscle to feel for hypertonicity before I rule it out as a part of the problem.
It's easy to miss a hypertonic muscle if the manual muscle tests seem normal and you don't palpate to confirm.
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Reciprocal Inhibition on a Drop Foot and other cases
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Reciprocal Inhibition is an interesting thing and I think I think a lot about treating antagonists muscles but maybe I don't always consider reciprocal inhibition for every case. I'm going to be thinking more about reciprocal inhibition for some cases in case it can help me improve my results for muscle activation once someone is pain-free.
Here's the article I mentioned:
My Podia Online Courses are here: https://richardhazel.podia.com
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Muscle Fiber Orientation and Why It Matters
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
I was just thinking about how the infraspinatus can help shoulder flexion. The fiber orientation is a clue. It's an external rotator, so how does it get involved in shoulder flexion?
How does the Pectoralis Major flex the shoulder? Look at the fiber orientation.
How does Gluteus Minimus (abducts and internally rotates the hip) which doesn't flex the hip, cause an anterior pelvic tilt? Fiber orientation.
Sunday May 28, 2023
Do Acupuncture Patients Need Physical Therapy?
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sometimes patients have not done well even after trying Physical Therapy for their pain.
Once we have gotten them out of pain and restored their mobility, do they really need Physical Therapy? Are we a replacement for Physical Therapy?
Also, I mentioned in the podcast that I would be interested in doing some podcasts in German and/or French if there's an audience that you think doesn't listen in English.
If you think it would help me reach more people, please let me know. rich@richhazel.com
Monday May 22, 2023
Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Dysfunction
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
There's more to the SI Joint than just nutation and the pain some people get there.
Many issues like back pain, hip pain, hamstring pain, even shoulder pain can be due to dysfunction at the SIJ.
Movement, Stability & Lumbopelvic Pain: Integration of research and therapy https://a.co/d/cuyLspO